Ordering & Dispatch

We are happy to receive orders by phone, email or in the post. Orders can be emailed to tastytrees@gmail.com or call us on 09 408 5443. You can also print and use our Order Form (pdf) and post to the address here.

When sending orders by email please provide us with your list of choices, a contact phone number, an address for the courier and your rootstock preference (if you have one).

As we are a small nursery aiming to preserve a diversity of apple varieties, we can only supply small numbers of any one cultivar per order. It is therefore advisable to add some back-up choices to your order. Otherwise, please indicate if you are happy to leave this choice to us. We will try to provide something similar and compatible with your order. Feel free to ring us to discuss your requirements.

Trees are sent by courier from mid-July until early September. This is always dependent on weather conditions, however. For example conditions that mean soils are too wet to lift, or temperatures not cold enough for dormancy etc. Trees are sent bare-rooted, wrapped in damp sawdust and should be bedded into something moist or planted out on delivery.

Click here to download our Order Form (pdf) and send to Mara Whenua Apple Trees or simply put your choice in an email to tastytrees@gmail.com.



We will send an invoice with your tree pack for you to pay. Because we are taking orders well ahead of delivery we do not ask for payment in advance.
Please pay within one week of receiving your trees.
Single trees are $45 each or $40 each for 5 or more. Our prices include GST. Add freight (see below).

Direct credit:
Wilson-Nilsson Enterprises 38 9001 0244120 00
(Please use your name or invoice number as reference)
If you don't have internet banking, a direct deposit can be made into this account at any KIWIBANK or arranged at your own local bank branch.



We take extra care with our packaging of trees so that they reach you in good order. Tree are packed in damp sawdust (to keep roots moist) and secured in plastic sacks with cardboard cases protecting the trunks.

It is important that you supply us with clearly written name, address and phone number for delivery, plus any additional details that may help the courier.

It is best to nominate your local courier depot if you have an RD address. Otherwise, you will need to add an extra $7 for NZ post to deliver to your RD address.

Whangarei & North - $25 for a bundle of up to 10 trees.
Rest of North Island - $30 per bundle of up to 10 trees
South Island - $40 per bundle of up to 10 trees
Rural Delivery – Add $7