Stock List

EARLY APPLES                                                           ( December – February )

·         Akane – Good dessert / drying apple. Cherry red with crisp, juicy flesh. Keeps quite well on tree. Promising disease-resistance. Japan, 1970.                  sold out

·         Albany Beauty - Gravenstein strain. Very juicy, sharp distinctive flavour. Dessert & processing. Quite early & stores a few weeks. Gravensteins’ originated in Denmark, known since 1600’s.

·         Discovery – Productive dessert apple. Large greenish yellow, bright red flush. Firm & crisp with good disease resistance. England, 1949.

·         Early Strawberry – Small, aromatic & flavoursome. Solid, rich dark red skin. Crisp yellowish flesh sometimes streaked with red. Very sweet. USA, 1800's.

·         Early McIntosh – Very early, small sweet apple. Bright red skin with soft white flesh. USA 1800's.sold out

·         Hetlina – Early to mid season. Firm, crisp, reliable cropper. Good disease resistance. Recommended in Tree Crop Association trials for its high levels of phyto-nutrients. Originally from Czech Republic, 1854.

·         Irish Peach – Medium size dessert & processing apple. Pale yellow with streaky/mottled red. Juicy & sweet with a rich vinous flavour. Vigorous & reliable bearer. Exact origin unknown. Introduced into England, 1820.

·         Merton Worcester – Early mid-season. Yellow with red blush & stripe. Creamy-white flesh. Fairly firm. Juicy, sweet and sharpish. Good disease resistance. Recommended early. England, 1914.

·         Oratia Red  - A rich red Gravenstein strain. Similar to Albany Beauty. Gravensteins’ originated in Denmark, known since 1600’s.

·         Scarlet Pimpernel – Popular dessert & very early eating apple. Small, pale green with crimson flush. White flesh. Good cropper that can be thinned in order to size up. USA, 1930’s.

·         Vaile Early – Early dessert apple. Yellow skin with red streak. Crunchy & sweet. Heavy cropper, late January. Needs a chill to set. Recommended early. Paparoa.


MID-SEASON APPLES                                                             ( March - April ) top

·         Captain Kidd – Sweet, tangy & very crisp. Dark green with red stripe. Good disease resistance. Bred in NZ by J.H. Kidd.

·         Chaffs’ Favourite – Light green, ripens to red. Firm, vigorous and reliable.

·         Cox's Orange Pippin – Juicy, crisp dessert apple. Reddish blush, yellow with russet. Stores well. Recommended strain (Green Meadow) for warmer sites. England, 1825.

·         Dayton – Medium size, crisp. Juicy sweet / acid with slightly spicy flavour. Disease resistant. Good cropper. USA, 1988.

·         Egremont Russet - Golden brown russet skin, distinct nutty flavour. Soft flesh, good for drying & bottling. Heavy cropper. One of our favourites! England, Pre-1872.

·         Freyburg - One of the most flavoursome apples. Yellow, juicy & crisp. Parents Cox / Golden Delicious. NZ, 1934.

·         Kidd's Orange - Deep red, popular eater. Sweet & crunchy. Also a cooker, especially sauce. NZ, 1930’s.

·         Lobo - Large dark red eating / baking apple. Heavy cropper, disease-resistant. Stores well. Canada, 1898.

·         Mayflower – Large dessert & drying apple. Mainly green skin with russet, ripens to yellow. Vigorous tree with fruit that keeps well. Northland NZ, 1820's.

·        Northern Spy – Beginning of late season. Red striped, very firm. Old trees common in Northland. Seems slow to crop but very reliable once it does. USA, 1800's.

·         Prima – Quality dessert apple with rich flavour. Yellow green with bright red blush. Crisp, sweet to sub-acid & juicy. Bred specifically for multiple disease resistance. USA, 1957.

·         Priscilla – Medium dessert apple. Sweet & a little acid. Skin splashed bright red. Good disease-resistance, keeps over 2 months. Very productive. Developed in a breeding program in the USA in the1970s.

·         Royal Gala – Dark red selection of Gala most commonly sold in NZ these days. Sweet variety. Ripe February. 1970's.

·         Scarlet Pearmain – Excellent dessert apple. Yellow skin with scarlet flush, pink under skin. Flesh firm & crisp, with moderately sweet flavour. Robust and prolific cropper. Keeps for several months. Recommended. England, Pre-1800.

·         Southern Snap – Very productive, multipurpose apple. Deep, dark red. Crisp & tangy. Great for eating & juicing. Stores well. Disease resistant. NZ.

·         Telstar – Early mid-season. Delicious “gourmet” dessert apple. Orange red flush, red stripes. Aromatic, honeyed flavour. Sweet & juicy. Healthy, regular cropper. NZ, 1934. 


 LATE APPLES                                                                      ( April - June )  top 

                                                                            All of these are good keepers

·       Altlander Pfannkuckenapfel – Cooker known as the strudel-apple. Medium-size with yellow       skin with striped, red blush. Good disease resistance. Germany, pre-1840.

·         Api Rose – Small size. Bright yellow with brilliant red. Sweet & crisp. Great for children's lunchboxes. France, 1628.

·         Braeburn – Refreshing, crisp, firm flesh. perfumed. Performs well in Northland as well as cooler climates. Commercialized 1952 seedling from Upper Moutere, Nelson, New Zealand.

·         Ballarat - Cooking / dessert / keeping apple. Green with pink blush. Firm, sub-acid, very late season. Stores well. Especially suitable for warmer micro-climates. Australia, 1930's.

·         Bramley – Classic English cooker. High Vitamin C. Vigorous. Triploid so needs a pollinator. Also needs a chill to set fruit. England, 1809.

·         Calville Blanc d'Hiver - Very late dessert apple good for cooking / keeping. Greenish yellow with slight orange flush. Intense rich, sweet / sharp flavour. High in Vitamin C. Needs warm location. France, 1627.

·         Charden – Very large dessert & processing apple. Yellow with orange flush. Sweet / sour. Stores well. Suits warm sites. Bittersweet, good for cider. France, 1959.

·         Fuji -  Mid to late season eating apple. Large & sweet. Crisp & firm with tough skin, so a good keeper. Reliable cropper. Developed in Morioka, Japan, 1939.

·         Golden Delicious – Quality dessert apple. Golden yellow colour. Crisp & sweet when properly tree-ripened. Good for eating / juicing. Every orchard should have one. USA, 1890.

·         Granny Smith – Large, refreshing dessert / eating apple. Yellowish green. Juicy & crisp when tree-ripened. A great apple which stores 15 weeks plus. Recommended as a pollinator. Australia, 1868.

·         Jonathan – Small to medium aromatic dessert apple. Yellow skin with bright crimson flush. Sweet, juicy, soft white flesh. Good for juice. Reliable cropper. USA, 1826.

·         Kempton – Dark red, very firm. Excellent keeper. Cider potential.

·         Liberty –  Quality well-flavoured dessert apple. Greenish / yellow with solid red blush. Stores very well. Multiple disease-resistance. A very reliable variety. USA, 1978.

·         Merlins' Golden Late – Grafted from promising locally-sourced seedling. Good cropper. Golden Delicious / Granny Smith cross. Kaitaia, NZ. 

·         Montys' Surprise – Large fruit good for eating & cooking. Crisp & tart with green skin blushed red. A wild seedling discovered by chance on a roadside in Wanganui. NZ.

·         Peasgood Nonsuch – A well known large cooking apple. Yellow, flushed orange / red stripes & russet. Makes excellent baked apple. Still a popular home garden variety, though it bruises easily. England, 1858.

·         Ralls Janet – New variety for 2017. Crisp and juicy. Yellow / green with red stripes. Prolific cropper and keeper. Pre-1800.

·         Reinette du Canada – Excellent dessert & processing apple. Medium to large with spicy, aromatic flavour. Stores 6 months. Triploid so needs a pollinator. France, pre-1800.

·         Reinette du Thorn – Medium size, nicely perfumed dessert apple. Yellow with red streaks / flush. Exceptional flavour, sweet to sub acid. Vigorous tree with good disease resistance. Belgium, 1854.

·         Sir Prize – High quality, late season apple. Large fruits with a scented taste. Gold / red blush with tender flesh. Good disease resistance. USA, 1961.

·         Staymans Winesap – Old American medium-sized multi-purpose apple. Greenish-yellow. Crisp & juicy. Good bearer of high quality apples that store for many months. USA, 1866.

·         Sturmer – Medium dessert apple. Greenish yellow with brownish red flush. Rich flavour & stores well. Good for juice or drying. Enjoys warm spots. England, 1831.sold out

·         Twenty Ounce  - Very large, productive dessert apple. Yellow skin with bright red splash. Whitish flesh that is juicy & sub-acid. USA, pre-1844.  


CIDER APPLES                                                                        ( March - April ) top

Please note that cider apples are in high demand so order early for these varieties.

English cider (fermented apple juice) is traditionally produced using blends of sweet, bittersweet, sharp & bitter-sharp juice. Cider apples thus tend to fall into one of these four basic categories. Most traditional English cider apples cannot be eaten fresh, nor is their juice necessarily palatable when freshly pressed. Many of the cider apple varieties we have are grown solely for the production of cider. Cider can be made from any apple juice and its flavour improved by blending it with a true cider variety. We have a limited stock of most cider varieties so we cannot supply commercial quantities. Please contact us to check cider apple availability.


·         Bisquet Cidre – Small, tender, juicy & soft. Yellow with pale orange-red blush. Bittersweet.

·         Browns Eater – Early to mid season. Dark red fruit often with red-stained flesh. Sharp. Produces fruity, mildly bittersweet cider. Devon, early 20th Century.

·         Broxwood Foxwhelp – A sport (natural genetic mutation) of the original Foxwhelp. Dusky, striped skin. Yellow flesh tinged with red. bitter-sharp. Gloucestershire, 1600s.

·         Dabinett Bittersweet – Small yellow-green fruit flecked with red. Popular for single use vintage cider. Early 1900s Somerset.

·         Ellis Bitter – Red-flushed medium / large fruit. Sweet, astringent juice which makes a medium bittersweet cider. Vigorous early variety still widely planted. Recommended. Devon, early 19th Century.

·         Kingston Black – Very late season. Small dark red fruit. Popular amongst cider enthusiasts, as its bittersweet juice produces excellent, vintage cider. Hard to grow however, as it is susceptible to disease. Somerset, late 19th Century.

·         Michlein – Late, medium bittersweet cider variety, also suitable for juicing. Reliable cropper. Normandy, France, 1872.

·         Northwood – Sweet. Red flush over green/yellow. Devon, possible 18th century. sold out

·         Sidero Cidre – Medium size. Greenish yellow skin with red cheek. Crisp, firm flesh. Very juicy & sweet. Great for cider.

·         Slack Ma Girdle – Medium size apple with very sweet flesh. Yellow green with bright red patches. Good for use in a blended cider & also for jam-making. Devon.

·         Stoke Red – Mid to late season. Medium bitter-sharp. Vigorous tree. Somerset.

·         Sweet Alford – Mid to late season. Small to medium, pale yellow fruit with a rosy blush. Bittersweet producing a sweet cider. Devon, early 18th Century.

·         Sweet Coppin – Mid season. Medium size fruit. Sweet. Heavy cropper. Devon.

·         Tremletts Bitter - Early to mid season. A heavy cropper producing deep red, conical fruit. Makes a full-bodied bittersweet cider. Devon, late 19th Century.

·         Yarlington Mill – Mid season. Smallish fruit with yellow skin. Starts bearing early in life. Heavy cropper. Medium bittersweet. Originally found growing out of a wall next to the wheel of an old mill in Somerset, UK.
